
10 Fun Facts You Need to Know About Triathlon

10 Fun Facts You Never Knew About the Sport of Triathlon!

Triathlon is a complex sport that consists of swimming, biking, and running. While there is a lot of technical aspects to know about triathlon, there’s a lot of fun stuff too! We love everything there is about triathlon. From selecting the race and choosing the right distance, to the preparation and training. Trying to take all that in can be overwhelming, so let’s start with some of the fun stuff. Expand your knowledge of triathlon and keep reading to see 10 fun facts about triathlon you maybe didn’t know!

Check Out These Fun Facts

  1. It is not uncommon for triathletes to burn up to 10,000 calories during a long-distance race. 
  2. In triathlon every second counts, for that reason, many athletes pee while they are on the bike, or even on the run. 
  3. The first triathlon event was held on September 25, 1974. 
  4. Simon Lessings holds the Olympic distance triathlon world record with a time of 1 hour, 39 minutes, 50 seconds. That’s fast. 
  5. Triathlon was designed to be an alternative to hard track training.
  6. The reason why the order of the disciplines is swim, bike, run is for safety concerns. 
  7. The Olympic distance tri was originally called the international distance. 
  8. The oldest triathlete on record is Arthur Gilbert, who was still competing at the age of 93. 
  9. Drafting, riding in close behind the rider before you to reduce wind resistance, is not allowed during the cycling part of a triathlon. If you get caught you face a penalty including disqualification. 
  10. Triathlon made its Olympic debut at the 2000 Sydney Games.

The world of triathlon is certainly an interesting one and has evolved greatly overtime with new people joining the fun each year. If you’re new to the sport and thinking about doing a triathlon yourself, check out these essential race day tips to help as you train and prepare for your first triathlon. Now that you know some of the fun triathlon facts, be sure to share it with your fellow triathletes on Facebook or Twitter.

6 Things to Keep In Mind for Olympic Distance Triathlons

Going The Distance: What to Keep In Mind When Going From Sprint to Olympic

So you have completed a Sprint Triathlon and now you’re looking for the next challenge. You can always do more sprint triathlons and work on increasing your speed or you can work on your endurance and increase your distance. Maybe going up to the next distance is your goal. For those looking to go long, here are some simple training reminders and workout tips to help you conquer the Olympic distance tri at CapTex Tri.

6 Tips for Olympic Distance Triathlons

1. Not Always Easy

First, it is important to remember that part of the appeal of racing an Olympic distance is that it is not exactly easy.  Simply doubling your workouts isn’t going to cut it. In training, have a goal of completing 60-80% of the segment distance before the event. 

2. Find Your Pace

With a sprint, you could go all out but you will probably not able to keep this same pace in the Olympic distance tri. Train at a pace that you are comfortable with so that you do not burn out on race day. Start thinking of speed versus endurance.

3. Calories Matter

Third, Calories Calories Calories. These longer distances are going to require fueling. Test several products before committing, just because something works for your friend or someone at the gym, it doesn’t mean that it is right for you.

4. Preparation is Key

Fourth, take “Nothing New on Race Day” to the next level. Make sure you have tried everything at least 3 times before you arrive race morning. We are talking socks, shoes, hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, nutrition, which water bottle, ev-er-y-thing. 

5. When in Doubt, Swim

Fifth, if you have time for an extra workout – choose the pool. Swimming is great aerobics and can lead to gains on the bike and the run. Efficiency in the swim can leave you with more energy instead of being taxed right out of the water. More important than hours logged, make sure that you are making each workout count.

6. Find A Balance

Sixth, keep balance. Make sure to find time for friends and family. Many of them may not understand but make sure and thank them for being there to support you in any way. Make sure and inform them when, where, and how long you are going out for a long run or bike. A safety post on Facebook is a good idea as well and a fun way to let everyone know how your training is going. 

6 tips for going from sprint to olympic distance triathlonAdditional Tips

  • Every other week make one of your run workouts follows immediately after your bike workout. 
  • Switch it up. Don’t always do the same style work out on the same day of the week.
  • Have Fun and Smile!


Go The Distance!

These 6 easy steps are your guide to getting to the start line with a high level of confidence so that you are ready to be successful for your first Olympic distance triathlon! Also, remember that no matter the distance increase it is important to keep your ultimate end goal in mind and then set up milestones that you can meet along the way.